Lesson 1


Lesson 2  (2:1-3:15)
Lesson 3  (3:15 - 3:27)
Lesson 4  (4 - 6)
Lesson 5  (7)
Lesson 6  (8)
Lesson 7  (9-10)
Lesson 8  (11)
Lesson 9  (12)
Lesson 10  (13)
Lesson 11  (14)
Lesson 12  (15)
Lesson 13  (16)
Lesson 14  (17)
Lesson 15  (18)


Title  1
Title  2
Title  3
Title  4

Title  1
Title  2


Title  1
Title  2
Title  3
Title  4


Title  1
Title  2
Title  3
Title  4
Title  5
Title  6


Title  1
Title  2
Title  3
Title  4
Title  5
Title  6


Lesson 8

Read: Ezekiel 11
  1. Where did the Spirit take Ezekiel in 11:1?
  2. What did Ezekiel see?
  3. Were the 25 men mentioned in verse 1 the same 25 men mentioned in Ezek. 8:16?
  4. Some of the various translations of Ezek. 11:3 are as follows:

    KJV (AV) -"It is not near; let us build houses:"

    NASB- "Is not the time near to build houses?"

    ASV- "The time is not near to build houses:"

    NIV- "Will it not soon be time to build houses?"

    Read Jer. 28:1-4, 15-17, and 29:1-9. Especially compare Jer. 28:15 with Ezek. 11:2 and Jer. 29:5 with Ezek. 11:3. Then determine which of the above translations best fits the circumstances described by Jeremiah.
  5. What is meant in vs. 3, "this city is a cooking pot and we are the meat"? (KJV- "This city is the caldron, and we be the flesh.")
  6. In what way had they "killed many people"? (KJV- "multiplied your slain" 11:6) See the following groups of passages:

    Acts 7:52; Mt 23:29-30; Jer. 2:30; 26:20-24

    Ezek. 22:12,27; Mic. 2:1-2; Hos. 6:9

    2 Ki. 21:6; Ezek..16:20-21; 20:25-26, 30-31; 23:37; Jer. 7:31; 19:4-5

    2 Ki. 21.16; 24.3-4, Jer. 2.34; also, Josephus. Antiquities X. iii. 1.

  1. Those who gave wicked counsel (11:2-3) had used the figure of a caldron to make their point. How does God change the significance of the figure of the figure of a "caldron" in vs. 7?
  2. The people who trusted in the safety of the city would be judged where? (see also Jer. 52:5-11. 24-27)
  3. Discuss the fate of Pelatiah in view of the fact that this is all part of a vision.
  4. Would God destroy the remnant of Israel?
  5. What did the Jews in Jerusalem think concerning their brethren in captivity?
  6. Contrary to this, how did God look upon the captives and those still in the land, respectively? (11:16, also Jer. 24:1-10)
  7. What was in the future for the captives in Babylon? (11:17)
  8. Did Jehovah give the land of Israel to the people, as promised in 11:17?
  9. What "detestable things" (11:18) will be removed from the land? (cf. 5:11, 7:20)
  10. What is meant in 11:19 by "I shall give them one heart"?
  11. What is meant by a "new spirit"?
  12. Compare the heart of stone and heart of flesh. (See 2 :4, 3 :7, Is, 48:4. and 2 Chron. 36:13)
  13. Who is being spoken of in 11:21?
  14. On which mountain did the glory of Jehovah stand? (11:23, cf. Zech 14:4}
  15. Where is the "glory of the Lord" at the end of the chapter?